Welcome to Class 2. We hope you will find our class pages informative about your child’s school day.
The adults working in Class 2 are Miss Jones (class teacher) and Mrs Morris (teaching assistant).
Homework will be available online from Friday on Purple Mash and/or Mathletics. Activities will end the following Wednesday.
Reading books
Please encourage your child to read daily and make a comment about how they have done in their reading diary. These reading diaries need to be in school every day as we use them as part of our Guided Reading sessions.
Children can change their books as frequently as they wish, but we would encourage repeated reading of their book to support their fluency skills.
Please encourage your child to read five times a week.
We would welcome volunteers into our class to support with reading with the children. Please speak to Mrs Ward if you are able to offer some time.
Our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Can you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school – we will send them home at half term to be washed or sooner if needed.
Can I please remind you to name ALL your child’s school and PE clothing.
PPA is on a Monday morning and will be covered by Mrs De-Gare Pitt.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Mrs Ward