Anti-Bullying week

This afternoon in Class 3 we spent time talking about bullying – what it means, and what can be done to provide a safe and happy environment in our school.

We then thought of ways to make little changes – regarding what we do each day to make others feel better.


PE – Dance

Class 2 are exploring dance moves this half term. We looked at different fireworks and then created dance moves to replicate how a firework moves and explodes. Class 2 danced to Handel’s Music to the fireworks.

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Stone Age Fun!

Class 3 have had a lovely morning doing Cave paintings, as well as designing their own stone age tools! In the afternoon we have read the Stone Age Bone Age book, and in P.E (Gymnastics) we created a series of balances to show ‘pictures’ of the different scenes from the book e.g. hunting and gathering and cave painting!stone age painting

Spooky poems!

Class 3 have enjoyed celebrating Halloween this week, in the creation of spooky poems in Literacy, as well as Halloween-themed problem solving in Maths, using their knowledge of addition and subtraction, and team-working skills! I hope you all have a lovely October Half Term,

Miss Howell
