Science Week!

Class 3 have thoroughly enjoyed Science week, and studying the concept of journeys!

From flight, to digestion, to germs – we have explored it all and have enjoyed our experiments!

Thankyou to all the parents that came in to look at our work 🙂

Miss Howell



Woody’s visit to Class 3!

On Wednesday afternoon, Class 3 was very excited to have Woody the Reading dog visit. He was with us for the whole afternoon, giving all of the pupils a chance to read and spend time with him. We had a lovely afternoon, and can’t wait to see Woody again! Thankyou Anne and Woody!

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Share a story – World Book Day.

On Friday, we welcomed parents and carers into school to help celebrate the World Book Day theme of ‘share a story’. Thank you to all who took part and we hope you enjoyed sharing stories with your children.

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World Book Day – Share a story

Class 2 used the Anthony Browne story of ‘Willy’s Stories’ for World Book Day. They enjoyed listening to the story, where Willy goes through different doors to explore the adventures in stories. They then chose their own favourite stories and created illustrations.  Such amazing stories following the writing style of Anthony Browne.

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Pancake Day!

Class 2 were very excited about Pancake Day. In the afternoon, they designed their own toppings for their perfect pancake. We had the traditional sweet toppings but also had some vegetable laden pancakes too because they are healthy!

We also had a go at flipping a pancake. It wasn’t an easy job!

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World book day 2019!

We have had a wonderful day in Class 3, starting with reading the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

In Literacy we made descriptive texts about the Snail, Whale and the places they visited.

In Maths, Class 3 was challenged to work out the total distance of the Snail and Whale’s around-the-world journey – it totalled to 24,608 miles – wow!

We had a ‘snail handwriting’ session in the afternoon, trying to write in one continuous long line (like a snail), as well as creating our own colourful snails with card!

I hope you have enjoyed World book day, Miss Howellsnailwhale

Tell me a dragon

Class 2 have designed their own dragons, based on the text ‘Tell me a dragon’. They will use these pictures to create their own descriptions in hot task write.

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