Chinese New Year Festival – Sunday 3rd February 2019

In Newport on Sunday, there is a Chinese New Year festival being held on the cobbled street. There will be a dragon dancing display, as well as other activities to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It is free!

As Class 2’s topic is China, this might be a lovely way for them to experience some Chinese culture.

It starts at 12 noon and runs throughout the afternoon until 6pm. There will also be different stalls selling various items too.

Hope to see you there.

Class 3 and 4’s Roman trip to Chester!

Class 3 and 4 have had a jam-packed, fantastic day today exploring and learning all about the Romans and their history in Chester! From walking to the Amphitheatre dressed in armour with shields, to practising battle formations, and looking at and using Roman tools, we have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Chester, and have learnt a lot!

roman trip

Roman buildings!

This week in Class 3, for our Exciting Empire topic, we have been finding out about typical Roman towns and the architecture of their buildings. The pupils were tasked to try and make their own Roman-style buildings- with only paper, glue and scissors, with the aim for them to be stable and stand up by themselves! Here are some of the brilliant Roman buildings Class 3 has made! paper buildings

Spellings 11th January 2019

Spellings to be tested on Friday 18th January 2019

Mrs Horton’s group – 11th January 2019

  1. mild
  2. blind
  3. shock
  4. clock
  5. little
  6. what
  7. magic
  8. coat
  9. cell
  10. ginger

Mrs Di Donato’s group – 11th January 2019

  1. putting
  2. dropping
  3. skipping
  4. terrify
  5. butterfly
  6. shy
  7. gentle
  8. jacket
  9. magic
  10. charge

Christmas holiday homework

Class 2’s homework for the Christmas holidays is to play with their new toys, to watch as many Christmas films as possible, enjoy spending time with their family and just have fun.

If you get time, reading books would be brilliant!

Have a wonderful Christmas holiday.


When Woody came to visit Class 2

On Wednesday 12th December, Class 2 welcomed Woody the reading dog into school. He listened to the children read their Christmas stories. The Shropshire Star also came to visit us, and took lots of pictures. We made front page on Saturday’s paper. Here’s the link and some of the photos that were taken.

Shropshire Star Shropshire Star2


Class 2 investigate materials in Science

In Science this term, we have been looking at different materials and whether they are man-made or natural. The children have explored how different materials can change shape. They have explored the work of John Boyd Dunlop and how he had a science question, which he then investigated, leading to his development of inflated rubber tyres.

The children then explored a suitable material for a sandwich bag. They had to plan their experiment, carry out and record their results, before deciding which material was bestIMG_2066IMG_2065

Woody’s Christmas visit

This afternoon, Woody the reading dog came to visit the children and even enjoyed his own Christmas dinner!  Class 2 then had a lovely afternoon with Woody where they were able to read Christmas stories to him.  The Shropshire Star came to visit too, so look out for us in the newspaper in the coming days.

After school, some of the other children around school came to visit Woody where he enjoyed lots of fuss.

Woody christmas lunch Christmas lunch 1 Christmas lunch 1 (2) Christmas lunch (2) IMG_2080 IMG_2079 IMG_2078 IMG_2077 IMG_2075 IMG_2074