Class 2 visit to the Ancient High House.

What a wonderful day Class 2 had exploring the Ancient High House in Stafford where we had the opportunity to learn more about the Great Fire of London.

We learnt how to write in the style of Samuel Pepys where we gained our quill licence. We investigated the lives of rich and poor people during that time and even wore some of the fashions they wore too! We looked at how the houses were built and why the fire was so devastating to London. We also held a fire bucket from the time period and realised just how heavy they were.

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Reading volunteers needed in school.

Do you have any spare time during the week?

We would welcome parents, grandparents and other family members who can spare a couple of hours a week to help support our children in developing word reading skills across the school.

If you are interested, please contact the office with your availability, or if you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Horton


Class 2 take on the TV chefs

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Class 2 have been preparing for their TV presenting debut with their very own cooking show. They have been looking at how TV chefs present their shows and are now designing a recipe that will be part of their broadcast.

They will be creating their own mini TV show demonstrating their chosen recipe.

Say hello to our new library team: Woody’s buddies.

To help keep our library tidy and organised, we now have a wonderful quartet from Year 4, aptly named ‘Woody’s buddies’.  They will be helping Mrs Horton to promote reading across the school, working in the library area and supporting other children across the school in finding suitable books to read.

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Making recycled art!

On Thursday in Class 3 we set out to create our recycled fish, bubbles and seaweed for our Plastiquarium! A huge thankyou to all that brought in great materials, that otherwise would have been thrown away, for us to use! We really enjoyed creating our art pieces, and the Plastiquarium shall be open soon, watch this space!

making plastic fish


Recently in Class 3 we have been researching different artists that create art using recycled materials, in line with our current topic ‘Materials that shape the world’. We have found Rodney McCoubrey and David Edgars’ fish made of recycled materials to be very interesting, so have decided to make our own ‘Plastiquarium’ using recycled materials! This week we have painted the bases of our fish, and next week we plan to layer them up with materials! We are really looking forward to it!

If you have any bottle tops, wrappers/ other recycled materials please bring them in for Thursday next week!

Miss Howell

See the source imageSee the source image


Class 2 Homework

Please be aware that the homework menu for Class 2 is for the whole of Autumn 1 term. It is not a week’s worth of homework.

Choose ONE item per week to complete for Maths and English.


Class 2 Times Table Rockstars

Class 2 have made a super start to learning their times tables with a new app, ‘Times Table Rockstars’.

I’m really pleased to see the children logging in, getting their rock star names and rocking those times tables!

Well done to Isla for a very impressive 2900+ score and Zak, who is hot on her heels with 2800 points.

Come on Class 2!

Class 2 Homework

Homework for Class 2.

I have put together a menu of activities to support your child’s learning at home. Please select 1 maths activity and 1 English activity per week and complete in their homework books with the date at the top of the page. These will need to be returned on Wednesday for marking and will be returned on Friday.

There are also some every day activities which are designed to take 5 to 10 minutes, and will help to support your child’s learning in school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Homework-Grid- Maths Class 2 Autumn 1

Homework-Grid-Class 2 Autumn 1