Happy VE day!

Hello Class 3! Happy Friday – you might be celebrating VE day today- so I hope you have a wonderful time!

Let’s see what you’ve been up to:

Isla has written a persuasive text as to why you should be a penguin!


James has written a humorous story about a cheeky squirrel!


Gabriella has been working on and is really proud of her bug hotel!


Peyton has been practising her Maths and comprehension skills!


Olivia’s persuasive text is about why a dogs life is good!


Ethan’s persuasive text explains why being a panda is best!


This is a copy of Liam’s timetable for VE day if you are wanting some ideas for activities:



Have a great day and a lovely weekend! Miss Howell 🙂

VE Day celebrations.

To celebrate VE Day, children were asked to design a new medal. Here are some of wonderful designs Class 2 have created. Some children have been busy learning about their own family ancestry about the war or through reading comprehensions; others have been busy baking cakes, or making flags and bunting. Well done Class 2 with all the different things you have completed for VE Day.

Design by Austin                                      Design by Amaya

Austin medal Amaya medal

Designed by Evie inspired by her great granddad’s medals.

Evie medals 20200504_132015

Design by Theo

Theo 1 Theo

Class 2 have been very busy finding out and celebrating VE Day.

Ellie VE 2 Ellie VE 3 Ellie VE day Ellie VE day1 Austin cupcakes Austin work

Anyone for some PE with Harry?

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know Harry is doing weekly PE/ games/ fitness activities for our schools to send out. It’s a live video (no edits – we’re not that clever!) But at least it’s something to keep children engaged in PE. During his explanation he will say how it can be adapted for KS1 and KS2 children.

Hope you are all well and staying safe.

We really look forward to seeing you all soon.


Ball Skills (using foot) Session 1 – https://youtu.be/MFftvj2k2kk

Class 2 learning new skills

Well done to Dylan, who has learnt how to knit. What a fantastic skill to learn and you look very proud of your knitted snake, ‘Snakey’.

If anyone else has learnt a new skill during lockdown, please email me on class.twoteacher@taw.org.uk so we can share with the rest of the class.

Dylan knitting

Class 2 updates – Wednesday 29th April 2020

I am really enjoying seeing all the work that you have been doing at home. I love seeing your smiling faces too. You are working so hard at home and it is fabulous to see.

Thank you to all the parents who have sent photos of what the children have been doing.

Lilly May 4 Lilly May 5 Lilly May 6 Lilly May 7

AMaya 1 Amaya Amaya2 Amaya3 Amaya4 Joshua Joshua1 Joshua2 Lilly May 2 Lilly May 3 Lilly May Lilly May1 Matthew 1 Matthew 2 Matthew 3 Matthew 4 Matthew 5 Matthew 6 Matthew Morgan