Boat Challenge.

Well done on completing the boat challenge. It has been fabulous to see how creative you are being at home.  Here are some of the boats built today. Please keep them coming!

Matthew boat challenge 3 Matthew boat challenge 4 Matthew boat challenge 2 Matthew boat challenge 1

Matthew managed to put £9.13 in his boat and it still floats!

Matthew Boat challenge

Well done to Theo for his boat.

Theo boat

Another example of the boat challenge. Well done! boat making 2 boat making 3 boat making maths boat building



Class 2 – Art Challenge

I have some little art challenges for you!  These will need to be emailed to me on when you have completed them.

Challenge 1:

Year 1 and Year 2: Create patterns using natural materials (pebbles, sticks, leaves, petals, shells, etc) You can make your patterns into a picture, or think mathematically with repeating patterns.

Challenge 2: A photography challenge.

Year 1: Choose an object and simply take a photo of it.  You could take a photo of a pet or a plant, an object from your house or garden.

Year 2: Take a photo using zoom to show the object in detail. I have taken a photo of my dining room chair to give you an example.


Have fun and I look forward to seeing your pictures.


Mrs Horton

Monday 30th March 2020 – STEM challenge

Good morning Class 2.

I have a challenge for you today… are you feeling creative???  Use whatever materials you can find around your house. You can write about this investigation in your yellow books and draw out your ideas before building and testing. Investigate what materials worked well and what materials didn’t work so well.

STEM Challenge

Remember to send me any pictures of your boats carrying the cargo to

Have fun!

Class 2 get busy at home.

Happy Weekend Class 2! Hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families. It has been great to receive emails showing me your work. Please keep them coming. I love to see what you have been doing at home and it would be great to share the photos on our class pages. On a more serious note, if there are any school work queries I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will reply to you as soon as I can.

Here are some of the photos from last week’s home learning.

Austin Evie's rainbow Matthew 5 Matthew 1 Matthew 2 Matthew 3 Matthew 4 matthew 6 Matthew 7

Class 3 challenge for the day!

Good morning and happy Friday class 3!

Thankyou so much for continuing to complete the purple mash activities – I have enjoyed looking through your work and sending feedback! I have had some pictures sent in already which is great to see – if you want to send any pictures of your rainbows for walkers/workers or any other home learning to share on this page, please use the new class email – 🙂

Flora’s rainbow to make passers-by smile- beautiful!


Here is Liam creating fossils and crystals! Wow!

thumbnail_Image (1) thumbnail_Image (2) thumbnail_Image

Your challenge for the day is to complete this spring themed crossword!


How are you doing with your reading? Have you been enjoying how to train your dragon? Maybe you could write a book review, or make some artwork based on the characters! David Walliams (I know alot of you like his books!) is releasing an audio story every day on his website, from the world’s worst children 2 book! Have a listen if you’d like 🙂

Have a lovely day, and enjoy your weekend! Miss H

Anyone for a virtual day at Chester Zoo? 27th March

Chester Zoo are having a virtual zoo day. From the comfort of your homes, you have a tour of the zoo. Gates open at 10am!

10.00 Red Pandas

11.00 Rothchild’s Giraffes

12.00 Asian elephants

1300 Butterflies

1400 Sun bears

1430 Sumatran tigers

1445 Penguins

1600 Aquarium

Join the fun… the animals are waiting….

Direct email contact details

All class teachers have now been given an email address for you to be able to contact us on.

Class 2 address is:

Please feel free to email me any work completed, or photos. If you have any questions or need help with any work, then please feel free to ask away.

Mrs Horton.


Email contact Class 3

Hello Class 3! A class email has been made so that you can contact me directly about any queries regarding work set/sending pictures of what you have been up to – to display on the website! I hope you have had a great day! Miss Howell

For your amusement – here is a picture of Spud from earlier, who knocked my hand as I walked from my desk to the kitchen with some cold coffee left in my cup!

spud coffee