Challenge for the day Class 3!

Good morning! I hope you are all doing well! I have received some brilliant work on fossils and databases on purple mash – well done! Please continue to check purple mash if you have completed your home learning packs for the day – for different activities to try.

Answers to yesterdays emoji challenge:

emoji answers

On walks around my village, I have started to notice that the local children have been creating lovely positive pictures in their windows for the walkers/workers that go past their house. I thought this was such a good idea, and wanted to share it with you! I have set it as an art task on purple mash if you want to design/could print off there, or create a picture at home with the resources you have to hand! Please send me your creations via the school email so I can share them on this class page and lets spread happiness! Have a lovely day! Miss H

rainbow 1rainbow 2

Class 2 keeping fit.

Hey Class 2

Thank you for sending your photos in. I am really missing you, so the little voice messages on Purple Mash and your photos make me smile. Ask your grown ups to send photos of you busy with your home learning as well as you getting your exercise, so we can share them on our class pages.  I am going to be taking Holly, Georgia and Grace out for a walk over the fields soon and enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine. Hope you have all had a good day and are keeping yourselves safe. Keep smiling Class 2. Hopefully we will be back soon.

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Class 3 challenge for the day!

Good morning Class 3! Thankyou for sending your purple mash work in – I have really enjoyed reading your research – well done! Please continue to check purple mash for new tasks to try out.

Riddle answers for yesterday:

Riddle: What is full of holes but still holds water?

Solution: A sponge.

Riddle: How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

Solution: 18: 3 in ‘the’, 7 in ‘English,’ and 8 in ‘alphabet.’

For today’s challenge try this emoji code breaker:

emoji code


Have a lovely day Class 3! Miss H


Class 3 challenge for the day!

Hello Class 3, please find the solution to yesterday’s problem, and some riddles to try today! Also there are books to read on bug club, as well as topic/science/ICT activities on purple mash to have a go at! Have a lovely day-  Miss H


Full of Holes, But Still Holds Water

Riddle: What is full of holes but still holds water?


The English Alphabet

Riddle: How many letters are there in the English alphabet?


Happy Riddling!

Bug club

Bug Club has been updated to reflect the books you are currently reading. I have given you unlimited access to the library, so you can choose from a range of books and complete the tasks.

If you cannot find your passwords, please email the office and I will get them to you.

Mrs Horton

Reading for Pleasure

As part of our celebrations on World Book Day, parents and carers were invited into school to share stories with their children. The children enjoyed having their adults read with them.

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Class 3 Egyptian trip to Liverpool!

Class 3 had a fantastic day on Monday to the National Museum in Liverpool, attending the Discover Egyptians workshop, and looking around the museums Egyptian exhibition. They were able to handle Ancient Egyptian artefacts, solve puzzles and decode the Rosetta Stone!
