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Anyone for some PE with Harry?

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know Harry is doing weekly PE/ games/ fitness activities for our schools to send out. It’s a live video (no edits – we’re not that clever!) But at least it’s something to keep children engaged in PE. During his explanation he will say how it can be adapted for KS1 and KS2 children.

Hope you are all well and staying safe.

We really look forward to seeing you all soon.


Ball Skills (using foot) Session 1 –

History topic – Explorers

charles darwin

Our History topic for the Summer term is Explorers. We will be following a very famous local explorer called Charles Darwin who was born in Shrewsbury.

Your task is to do some research about the life of Charles Darwin. Who was he? When was he born? Where did he go to school?

There is a task on Purple Mash for you to create a fact file about him. There is no closing date so you can add extra detail as you find more about him.

Here are some websites to help get you started:



Over 60 Virtual Tours and Trips around the world.

As we are not able to get out and about over the Easter holidays, I have found and added some virtual tours and trips around the world. Anyone for exploring the Eiffel Tower? or maybe you fancy a trip to a museum?

Virtual tours

Whatever, you choose to do, please have a wonderful Easter break. Stay safe and well. I can be contacted on the class email: and will check the emails periodically over the holidays.

Thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing. I have really enjoyed seeing it all.

Mrs Horton

Boat Challenge.

Well done on completing the boat challenge. It has been fabulous to see how creative you are being at home.  Here are some of the boats built today. Please keep them coming!

Matthew boat challenge 3 Matthew boat challenge 4 Matthew boat challenge 2 Matthew boat challenge 1

Matthew managed to put £9.13 in his boat and it still floats!

Matthew Boat challenge

Well done to Theo for his boat.

Theo boat

Another example of the boat challenge. Well done! boat making 2 boat making 3 boat making maths boat building



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