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Class 2 get spooky for Halloween

Class 2 enjoyed dressing up for the Spooky story evening. The costumes were amazing and we all enjoyed dancing to Halloween songs, colouring spooky pictures, listening to stories and of course, the hot chocolate and marshmallows. IMG_1128

Testing strength of materials in Science

As part of our topic on Materials, class 2 had the challenge of making 6 strips of crepe paper as strong as possible, so that they could hold a bag of shopping without it breaking. The children worked in groups to investigate ways of making their paper stronger without using any other materials.

Some groups shortened their ‘ropes’, whilst others rolled the strips before plaiting or twisting them. We then tested them with a carrier bag and added weights, testing how much weight the ropes could hold.


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A Royal delivery

When Prince Harry married Meghan  earlier this year, Class 2 designed wedding cards and drew pictures to send to the happy couple.

Today, we received a reply from the offices of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex thanking the children for their kind words.

Every child who sent a card and picture have received a personal letter to keep.

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Class 2 visit to the Ancient High House.

What a wonderful day Class 2 had exploring the Ancient High House in Stafford where we had the opportunity to learn more about the Great Fire of London.

We learnt how to write in the style of Samuel Pepys where we gained our quill licence. We investigated the lives of rich and poor people during that time and even wore some of the fashions they wore too! We looked at how the houses were built and why the fire was so devastating to London. We also held a fire bucket from the time period and realised just how heavy they were.

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Class 2 take on the TV chefs

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Class 2 have been preparing for their TV presenting debut with their very own cooking show. They have been looking at how TV chefs present their shows and are now designing a recipe that will be part of their broadcast.

They will be creating their own mini TV show demonstrating their chosen recipe.

Class 2 Times Table Rockstars

Class 2 have made a super start to learning their times tables with a new app, ‘Times Table Rockstars’.

I’m really pleased to see the children logging in, getting their rock star names and rocking those times tables!

Well done to Isla for a very impressive 2900+ score and Zak, who is hot on her heels with 2800 points.

Come on Class 2!

Class 2 Rainforest in a box

In Class 2, we have been learning about Rainforests. The children were set a challenge to create a rainforest in a box. The children have done a wonderful job of demonstrating their learning through labelling the different layers of the rainforest, as well as including the animals found in each layer. Well done!WIN_20180608_144646 WIN_20180608_144624 WIN_20180604_145602 WIN_20180604_145509 WIN_20180604_145354 WIN_20180604_145232 WIN_20180604_145038 WIN_20180604_144857 WIN_20180604_144726 WIN_20180604_144436 WIN_20180604_144318 WIN_20180604_144106 WIN_20180604_143642 WIN_20180604_143337

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