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Class 2 Wellies!

I will be clearing out the shed on Thursday of all the wellies from Class 2.

I will leave them by Class 3’s door for them to be collected on Friday, or Monday on transition days.

Thank you!

Mrs Horton


KS1 Summer reading challenge

Hello key stage one!

Summer holidays are here and I am hoping we have lots of lovely, sunny and warm days to look forward to with lots of fun with our families.

I love reading and I have a challenge for you over the holidays. I would like you to read six books and complete the reading challenge sheet. There will be prizes and certificates when you bring your challenge sheet into school in September.

I am really looking forward to seeing all the wonderful stories you encounter on your summer reading journey.

Have fun!

Mrs Horton

Summer Reading Challenge ks1

Mathletic stars for Year 2

A huge well done to Gabriella, Joshua, Ellie and Austin for some amazing scores on Mathletics this week.

Remember you can print your certificates off to keep or if you would like a copy from school, please feel free to email me on and I can post a copy out for you.

Well done Mathletics Champions!!

Well done to the children in Class 2 who have been very busy on Mathletics. I am super proud to share with you the first Bronze certificates.

Huge congratulations to Dylan, Ellie and Joshua for your super scores.

Remember, you can earn a Bronze certificate for 1000 points but there are no limits on the points you can earn.

Well done to Ellie for being the Mathlete of the week with two very impressive scores!

I can print your certificates at school and post them to you if you aren’t able to do this at home. Please email on if you would like a copy.



The Virtual School Games have started!

A drawing of a cartoon character

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The week 1 challenge is Dodgeball and you can access the challenge sheet here.  Links to the videos showing how to complete the challenge are included in the challenge sheet.

Remember, #VirtualSTWSchoolGames is open to all primary school age children – simply send the videos of your challenge attempt to

Please remember to state that you are from Crudgington, and whether they have permission to share your entries on their online media.

Have fun and good luck! Miss Howell

Welcome to Phoebe

Hey Class 2

I would like to introduce you to a new member of Class 2. Please say hello to Phoebe who has recently joined us in Class 2 but due to lockdown wasn’t able to come into school. She has been busy following our class pages, so if you would like to send her a picture message to say hello to our class email;, I will get them on here for her to see.

Welcome to Class 2 Phoebe, and we look forward to meeting you soon.


Virtual STW School Games

The Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin School Games have announced a virtual sports competition that can be done from home!

Starting on the week commencing 18th May- there will be one sporting challenge issued out weekly – that primary pupils can videos/photograph themselves doing – in order to win electronic certificates amongst other awards! There will be an email to send your entries into – please see the official documentation below for details – but you will need to ensure you state that the pupil has adult consent to them sharing the entries on their online platforms.

If your child is currently going into school – staff can do the challenge entries from there – but we will need consent emailed in to do so.

Please read below for information-  I will share the first challenge when it starts 🙂

Miss Howell

Virtual School Games Important Information (1)

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