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Class 2 get busy at home.

Happy Weekend Class 2! Hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families. It has been great to receive emails showing me your work. Please keep them coming. I love to see what you have been doing at home and it would be great to share the photos on our class pages. On a more serious note, if there are any school work queries I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will reply to you as soon as I can.

Here are some of the photos from last week’s home learning.

Austin Evie's rainbow Matthew 5 Matthew 1 Matthew 2 Matthew 3 Matthew 4 matthew 6 Matthew 7

Anyone for a virtual day at Chester Zoo? 27th March

Chester Zoo are having a virtual zoo day. From the comfort of your homes, you have a tour of the zoo. Gates open at 10am!

10.00 Red Pandas

11.00 Rothchild’s Giraffes

12.00 Asian elephants

1300 Butterflies

1400 Sun bears

1430 Sumatran tigers

1445 Penguins

1600 Aquarium

Join the fun… the animals are waiting….

Direct email contact details

All class teachers have now been given an email address for you to be able to contact us on.

Class 2 address is:

Please feel free to email me any work completed, or photos. If you have any questions or need help with any work, then please feel free to ask away.

Mrs Horton.


Class 2 keeping fit.

Hey Class 2

Thank you for sending your photos in. I am really missing you, so the little voice messages on Purple Mash and your photos make me smile. Ask your grown ups to send photos of you busy with your home learning as well as you getting your exercise, so we can share them on our class pages.  I am going to be taking Holly, Georgia and Grace out for a walk over the fields soon and enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine. Hope you have all had a good day and are keeping yourselves safe. Keep smiling Class 2. Hopefully we will be back soon.

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Bug club

Bug Club has been updated to reflect the books you are currently reading. I have given you unlimited access to the library, so you can choose from a range of books and complete the tasks.

If you cannot find your passwords, please email the office and I will get them to you.

Mrs Horton

Reading for Pleasure

As part of our celebrations on World Book Day, parents and carers were invited into school to share stories with their children. The children enjoyed having their adults read with them.

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Design and Technology – creating a fruit salad

Class 2 spent the afternoon observing chopping, slicing, grating, squeezing and peeling of a variety of fruits and vegetables before they planned their own creation of a fruit salad. They then washed their hands carefully before having a go at the different skills of preparing fruit and vegetables. Some of the children had a taste of fruits they hadn’t tried before – well done Class 2!

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