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Science / History investigation on handwashing

Class 2 have investigated the importance of hand washing as part of our work on Florence Nightingale, which also linked to our Science work on Animals and their needs.

The children all passed around a slice of fresh bread before putting it into a sandwich bag. They then went and washed their hands with soap and water. After that, they were given another slice of bread to pass around before it went into the sandwich bag. Another slice of bread was put straight into a sandwich bag without being handled.

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We left the bread for several days and after a week or so, we looked to see what had happened. We talked about the importance of good hand washing to in order to help stop bacteria growing.

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Stretching and curling in gymnastics

Class 2 have been exploring stretching and curling in gymnastics. They have used both the floor and apparatus to create different ways of travelling using both hands and feet, whilst demonstrating their stretch and curl moves.

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Investigating the influence of Florence Nightingale’s work

Class 2 are enjoying learning about a significant person in history. Their knowledge of her life and work is fantastic and they have been able to write diaries, instructions, biographies and recounts. This week, we investigated how Florence Nightingale improved hygiene in hospitals through keeping clean and ensuring hands were clean. To demonstrate how important hand washing is to cleanliness, all the children handled a slice a bread, before washing their hands and then handling a second slice of bread. We will be observing what happens to the bread over the coming days.

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Class 2 visit to Brampton Museum

Class 2 began their history topic on Florence Nightingale with a visit to Brampton Museum. They were greeted by Florence, who explained her early life and then took the children on her journey to Scutari hospital, where she became known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’. Children had opportunities to help clean the hospital and see how she made life better for the wounded soldiers. IMG_3139 IMG_3141 IMG_3150 IMG_3151 IMG_3152 IMG_3156 IMG_3160 IMG_3161 IMG_3163 IMG_3166 IMG_3167 IMG_3169 IMG_3171 IMG_3172 IMG_3173 IMG_3174 IMG_3175 IMG_3179 IMG_3180 IMG_3183 IMG_3185 IMG_3188 IMG_3191 IMG_3192


Class 2 visit Liverpool’s Maritime Museum

Class 2 had a lovely visit to Liverpool where they explored the Titanic exhibition at the Maritime Museum. In the afternoon, they acted out the story of Polar, the Titanic bear. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit where they were able to see videos, photos and some artefacts brought back from the wreck.

Thank you to our parent volunteers who helped supported the visit.

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