Aut4.3.1 – Find 1 10 100 more or less on Vimeo
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KS2 Choir Club – Young Voices
Mrs Horton will again be taking our choir to the Young Voices Concert in Birmingham in the New Year. We will be starting Choir club and this will be starting on Thursday, 14th October and this will run up until Christmas. Please click on the link below to book your child on this club. Once a place is booked the charge will be added to Parent Pay before the start of the club
Please see attached diary dates for the remainder of the Autumn Term.
Please see links below for home learning.
Aut4.3.4 – Order numbers on Vimeo
Activity B seed and plant cards
Miss Plumb
Mrs Horton is again planning to take our choir to the Young Voices Concert in Birmingham. This will be taking place in the New Year. We will be starting the School Choir Club after school on Thursday, 14th October and it will run every Thursday until Christmas. Places will be limited to 30 and we will be opening up bookings next week.
Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help out with this. We are just waiting for the DBS checks to come through and then we will be in touch to see who would like to sign up. If there is anyone else who would like to come forward to be a volunteer, please let us know.
The school immunisation team will be with us again this year to administer the flu immunisation nasal spray and are due to come in to school on Thursday, 11th November. This immunisation is offered to all children of primary school age and letters have gone out with your child today. Please can you return the consent sheet into school, even if you do not wish your child to be immunised, by half term. Should you have any queries, of course just let us know.
We will be having a change from the published menu on Thursday, 7th. Mrs Evans and Mrs Sellwood will be cooking delicious burgers and fries with sides as it is Census Day. It would be super to see a high take up of school meals on that day.
This week we bade a fond farewell to Mr Gaymer who has left us after 8 years working here at Crudgington School. We wish him all the very best for the future and hope he enjoys the lovely gifts and cards presented to him in assembly.
Goodbye Mr Gaymer, we will miss you!
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