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Caveman visit to Class 3!

Class 3 had a fabulous morning on Tuesday, 19th November – having a caveman visit their classroom! After welcoming us to his tribe, he showed us a visual timeline of the changes in prehistoric life, then let the children look at many artefacts that Stone-Age people would have used. We then had a brilliant time creating cave paintings on cotton cloth, using only natural materials such as charcoal, and then a paint spraying technique to make hand prints!   1116 5 4 2

Anti-Bullying week

This afternoon in Class 3 we spent time talking about bullying – what it means, and what can be done to provide a safe and happy environment in our school.

We then thought of ways to make little changes – regarding what we do each day to make others feel better.


Stone Age Fun!

Class 3 have had a lovely morning doing Cave paintings, as well as designing their own stone age tools! In the afternoon we have read the Stone Age Bone Age book, and in P.E (Gymnastics) we created a series of balances to show ‘pictures’ of the different scenes from the book e.g. hunting and gathering and cave painting!stone age painting

Spooky poems!

Class 3 have enjoyed celebrating Halloween this week, in the creation of spooky poems in Literacy, as well as Halloween-themed problem solving in Maths, using their knowledge of addition and subtraction, and team-working skills! I hope you all have a lovely October Half Term,

Miss Howell


Science Week!

Class 3 have thoroughly enjoyed Science week, and studying the concept of journeys!

From flight, to digestion, to germs – we have explored it all and have enjoyed our experiments!

Thankyou to all the parents that came in to look at our work 🙂

Miss Howell



Woody’s visit to Class 3!

On Wednesday afternoon, Class 3 was very excited to have Woody the Reading dog visit. He was with us for the whole afternoon, giving all of the pupils a chance to read and spend time with him. We had a lovely afternoon, and can’t wait to see Woody again! Thankyou Anne and Woody!

woody visist

World book day 2019!

We have had a wonderful day in Class 3, starting with reading the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

In Literacy we made descriptive texts about the Snail, Whale and the places they visited.

In Maths, Class 3 was challenged to work out the total distance of the Snail and Whale’s around-the-world journey – it totalled to 24,608 miles – wow!

We had a ‘snail handwriting’ session in the afternoon, trying to write in one continuous long line (like a snail), as well as creating our own colourful snails with card!

I hope you have enjoyed World book day, Miss Howellsnailwhale

Class 3 and 4’s Roman trip to Chester!

Class 3 and 4 have had a jam-packed, fantastic day today exploring and learning all about the Romans and their history in Chester! From walking to the Amphitheatre dressed in armour with shields, to practising battle formations, and looking at and using Roman tools, we have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Chester, and have learnt a lot!

roman trip

Roman buildings!

This week in Class 3, for our Exciting Empire topic, we have been finding out about typical Roman towns and the architecture of their buildings. The pupils were tasked to try and make their own Roman-style buildings- with only paper, glue and scissors, with the aim for them to be stable and stand up by themselves! Here are some of the brilliant Roman buildings Class 3 has made! paper buildings

Floating paperclips!

In Science this week, Class 3 have been learning about the wonders of magnetic force, and one of the experiments was such a success that they created posters all about it! If at home you have a magnet, a paperclip and some thread you will be amazed at the magic that can happen!

floating paper clip


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