Parent Governor Candidate Form
Parent Governor Disqualification Declaration
Parent GovernorDisqualification Declaration1
Please see attached letter from Miss Latham about RSE Lessons
A letter will also be coming home with your child.
For those children in year 4 and above there is an option to opt-out, there is a reply slip that must be completed and returned NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 16th JUNE 2022
Gentle reminder, if you are yet to return your reply slip for the swimming sessions, can these be bought in on Monday as lessons are due to start on the 16th June.
Many thanks
Congratulations Mrs Evans and Mrs Sellwood on achieving and maintaining your 5 Star Food Hygiene Rating.
Please see attached leaflet about the Year 4 Times Table Check
The following clubs are on offer this half term.
Please add your child’s name under the club you would like them to attend to book the place. The clubs will be put on Parent pay for payment after half term. Should a club be over/under subscribed you will be informed by e-mail.
Please ensure that you have no outstanding Clubs on Parentpay before booking a place for next half term.
For those attending Arthog, book clubs below as normal and when you come to make a payment on Parent pay, please pay £3 less than the stated amount to reflect this.
ActivSports Booking and Payment Form – Please Note: Football Club is now open to KS1 and KS2
Crudgington Football Thursdays June July
Tuesdays – Jitterbugz Dance
Spaces available, contact Sarah Harris or the School Office for more details.
LCT Parent Update Letter 23.05.22
Please see attached letter from Dr Gill Eatough
Do these belong to anybody?