Return of medication/inhalers to parents 21.7.22

If we are keeping medication in our school office, or asthma inhalers in classrooms, these will be returned to you at the end of the school day when you collect your child.

6th September 2022

Asthma inhalers/allergy medication must be returned to school on the first day back (6th September 2022)

All other medication can be brought in as and when required.

Thank you

Uniform update for next two days

Uniform Update

Following our Severe Weather Warning message on Friday, the forecast for the rest of the week shows lower temperatures.   Please be advised that children can come into school for the last two days in either their uniforms or PE kits (with sensible shoes – please no sliders or flip flops).

Don’t forget that anyone in Hedgehog House are able to wear their own clothes on Wednesday as a treat for being the winning House.



Year 6 Enterprise Day – Friday 15th July

Enterprise Day –  Friday, 15th

Tomorrow afternoon the Year 6 pupils are holding an Enterprise Day and they will be setting up stalls and selling the products they have made at the end of the day.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the KS2 playground at pick up time and visit the stalls.  Items for sale will include homemade candles, cakes, crepes and games.  All profits will go towards their party.

Please come along and support our year 6 entrepreneurs!