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Welcome to class 4

A huge warm welcome to class 4.  I am really excited to be the teacher for year 4  and 5 and I’m looking forward to the learning experiences we will have this year. We have some really exciting topics and I am looking forward to sharing these experiences and supporting you in your learning journey through year 4 and 5.

A few reminders for our school week.

  • PE is on Monday with me and on Tuesday with our sports coach.  Please ensure that your PE kit is in school for both these days.
  • Homework is set every Friday, using Purple Mash and/or Mathletics and is due to be ‘handed in’ the following Wednesday.  Children have their Purple Mash and Mathletics login ID,  along with the unique parent code, in their reading diaries. Please use the parent code to view and comment on your child’s learning.  If you require any passwords, please contact the office for their details. During the year, I may set additional project based homework, which can be accessed through our class 4 page.
  • Spellings- Children will given the year group spelling lists for the Big Spell test held every term. They can practise these over the course of the term in preparation.
  • Reading- I ask that all children read for at least 15/20 minutes daily and that this is recorded in the yellow reading diary with an accompanying comment written by the parent or carer.  In the reading diaries, there is a list of VIPERS questions to help support your child’s reading development and progress.  Reading diaries and reading books need to be in school daily, and reading at home is monitored in class.  Regular home reading helps to develop fluency, stamina, comprehension and vocabulary and stimulates creative thinking.
  • Times Tables- we will, once again, be using Times Tables Rock Stars to develop speed, fluency and accuracy in multiplication. Please support your child, by encouraging them to learn their times tables upto 12×12.
  • Water bottles- Please make sure your child has access to a named water bottle in school everyday, they are able to refill their bottle during the day using the water chillers.

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