This page outlines the Early Help available at Crudgington Primary School
Here at Crudgington Primary School we have a comprehensive Early Help Offer in School. Below is an overview of how we can support in school and who to contact.
School Attendance
If you need support with your child’s attendance or are facing any barriers in getting your child to school, we can support you. Please contact the school and ask to meet with our friendly Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) Dan Santopietro. He is happy to meet with you at home or at school.
Student Mentor
If your child has transferred into school with us, or a child has any friendship issues/settling in problems, we have an experienced pupil mentor. Wayne Denfy supports our children with weekly sessions focussing on building confidence and resilience in school.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
If your child has anxiety regarding school or any aspect of their wider life. We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, Mrs Morris, who works with individuals and small groups of children to support them with managing feelings and emotions.
Mindfulness Practitioner
Mrs Flynn-Gamble runs our mindfulness program in school, which helps children with a range of strategies in managing feelings and emotions. This is delivered either individually or in small groups throughout the year.
School Counsellor
Our school counsellor is Jessica Jenkins. She works one day a week in school with us supporting children through a range of needs. She is highly experienced in role and delivers exceptional outcomes.
Circle of Friends
If your child is struggling with friendships we use Circle of Friends to:
- create a support network for the focus child;
- provide the child with encouragement and recognition for any achievements and progress;
- work with the child to identify difficulties and devising practical ideas to help deal with these difficulties;
- help to put these ideas into practice.
PEGS is a social enterprise set up to support parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing Child to Parent Abuse (including those with adult offspring). We don’t directly work with the child displaying the behaviours but have a network of partners whose expertise lies in this area.
We can work with you to submit a referral for this service
Food Hub
Through the Learning Community Trust, Food Hubs are available at Hadley Learning Centre (HLC) and Wrekin View Primary School.
Sensory Room
The school has a recently refurbished sensory room located at the heart of the school providing a calm environment for children to access throughout the day.
Young Carers
Is your child a young carer? if so we can support with a range of clubs and activities to complement the work of the Young Carers Association