
 Crudgington Primary School art, craft and design has a significant and valuable role to play in the overall ethos of this school.
Art is an ongoing process through which all children are given opportunities to develop specific skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to work in various media, styles and forms. It enables children of all abilities to use their creative imagination to achieve their potential with guidance and given criteria. Children work individually and within a group to develop social and personal skills. 


Wherever appropriate, it is linked to other areas of the curriculum and gives children the opportunities to develop specific art skills and reinforces skills already established.


The Art National Curriculum Art & Design National Curriculum
Intent, Implementation & Impact Art and Design-II&I
SMSC in Art Art-SMSC
Art Learning Journey Learning Journey Crudgington Art
Long Term Plan Long Term Art Overview
Progression of Skills Art Progression of Skills
Subject Policy Crudgington-Primary-School-Arts-Craft-Policy