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Important update – School Closure

Dear Parent/Carer,

Following the announcement at 8pm this evening, Crudgington Primary School will be closed from tomorrow morning. We will be providing provision for vulnerable children and the children of Critical Workers starting at 8.30 am tommorow morning. Please email the school as soon as possible on to let us know if you require a place. As a reminder, Critical workers include:

Health & social care
Education & childcare
Key public services
Local and national government
Food and other necessary goods
Public safety & national security
Transport & boarder
Utilities, communication & financial services

Further clarification on critical worker roles can be found at:

We will be switching to online learning from tomorrow morning, please check your child’s class page for further information tomorrow morning.

Class teacher email addresses are once again active, so you are able to contact teachers directly. Again, this will be covered on your child’s class page.

Although these are uncertain times, please be assured that we are onhand to support children and families during this difficult period.

Mr Ames

Covid-19 Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have had a confirmed case of Covid-19 in Class 1 and have been taking advice from the Health Protection Hub. We have already contacted all affected families to update them on the current situation. If you have not heard from us, you do not need to take any further action at this time.

 Mr Adam Ames

Let’s get Telford healthy campaign

Please see the information attached regarding a new free 12- week email programme from the Healthy Lifestyle team, for advice and tips that you can use to make small and simple changes to live a healthier life, or follow the link below to sign up:

Let’s Get Telford Healthy Launch detail

Miss Howell

Teacher Phone Calls Home

Dear Parent/Carer,

Starting this week your child’s class teacher will be calling home to catch-up with you and answer any questions that you may have about home learning and offer support if needed. Please be aware that this call may show up as a withheld number. If you need to contact the school for any reason, please use the where emails are monitored inline with the normal school day.

Kind regards,

A Ames


Young Voices Choir

Dear Parents of Young Voices Choir Children

Your child can access the Children’s Music Room from the front page of the Young Voices website.

This is your access code ‘YV2020’ for your child to view all the lyrics and dance moves.

Have fun!
Mrs Horton

Share a story – World Book Day.

On Friday, we welcomed parents and carers into school to help celebrate the World Book Day theme of ‘share a story’. Thank you to all who took part and we hope you enjoyed sharing stories with your children.

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Chinese New Year Festival – Sunday 3rd February 2019

In Newport on Sunday, there is a Chinese New Year festival being held on the cobbled street. There will be a dragon dancing display, as well as other activities to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It is free!

As Class 2’s topic is China, this might be a lovely way for them to experience some Chinese culture.

It starts at 12 noon and runs throughout the afternoon until 6pm. There will also be different stalls selling various items too.

Hope to see you there.