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Woody’s Christmas visit

This afternoon, Woody the reading dog came to visit the children and even enjoyed his own Christmas dinner!  Class 2 then had a lovely afternoon with Woody where they were able to read Christmas stories to him.  The Shropshire Star came to visit too, so look out for us in the newspaper in the coming days.

After school, some of the other children around school came to visit Woody where he enjoyed lots of fuss.

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Reading volunteers needed in school.

Do you have any spare time during the week?

We would welcome parents, grandparents and other family members who can spare a couple of hours a week to help support our children in developing word reading skills across the school.

If you are interested, please contact the office with your availability, or if you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Horton


Say hello to our new library team: Woody’s buddies.

To help keep our library tidy and organised, we now have a wonderful quartet from Year 4, aptly named ‘Woody’s buddies’.  They will be helping Mrs Horton to promote reading across the school, working in the library area and supporting other children across the school in finding suitable books to read.

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Woody the reading dog returns….

We welcomed Woody the reading dog back into school this afternoon.

He was very proud to award reading champion badges to children who were nominated for demonstrating a love of reading. Their job will be to promote and encourage reading across the school. We also had the Shropshire Star come into school to take photographs of the reading champions with Woody, so please look out for them in the newspaper in the coming days.

Woody had just enough time to listen to some readers in Class 4 and Class 5 this afternoon and was very sorry that he couldn’t get round to the other classes, He has, however,  left a poster for every child in school, which has been ‘pawtographed’ by himself.

We will be welcoming Woody (and his owner, Anne) back into school during autumn term.

In the meantime, make sure you read at least 3 times a week!

Woody the reading dog visit

On Wednesday 6th June, we had a visit from Woody the reading dog. The aim of the visit was to encourage children to read for pleasure. Woody showed the children his DVD and his interview with Clare Balding at Crufts. He then visited all the classrooms, leaving a ‘pawtographed’ poster. The children now have an opportunity to earn (or win) a one-to-one reading session with Woody on his return visit in July.

The children can enter a competition to design the cover of their favourite book, or they can send in a photo of themselves being caught reading. In class, everyone is writing a story based on Woody’s adventures which can then be read to a friend.

Woody will be returning to school on Wednesday 18th July in the afternoon for his reading session and to award 2 children from each class as a reading champion.

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School will be open on Wednesday 13th of December

School will be open as normal on Wednesday 13th of December including breakfast & after-school club. The Cinema trip is also scheduled to go ahead.

The school car park has been mainly cleared of snow, but there is some still remaining.

Please consider car share tomorrow to reduce the traffic around school in the current conditions.

School dinners

Due to deliveries not being made to the kitchen the menu has changed slightly:

Wednesday – Big Breakfast

Thursday – Meatballs

Friday – Fish & Chips

Please take care on your journey tomorrow and stay to the gritted areas on the school site. Please see the attached site plan for further information.

Crudgington Gritting Map