The office is open between 08.30am and 4.00pm
Mrs Perrin, the Office Manager works Monday to Friday between these times.
The contact number for the office is 01952 386910
The email address for the office is
Any Breakfast Club or Wraparound club queries/messages/requests should be directed to the club manager on 01952 386 916 or via email (9am-11am / 3pm-6pm) or the school office. All bookings need be done via Parent pay and paid for at the time of booking. For further information please look at Breakfast Club and Wraparound Club pages.
We are a cashless school and use parent pay for school trips, wraparound and breakfast clubs and any internally run after school clubs. Only donations on mufti days and charity days will we take cash into school.
Please inform the office of any change of contact numbers/addresses promptly to ensure we have the correct contact details in case of any emergency.
We are able to administer medication to your child on completion of a Medication Form by parents/carers in advance of the medication being required to be taken. Please ask the office for a form to complete or download from the website, if your child requires any medicine to be taken during the school day. We are able to administer antibiotics when required.
If your child requires First Aid during the day they will be sent home with a first aid slip detailing why they were given first aid and what for. Any head bumps – the children will have a red band on their wrist to make you aware.