As you are aware the government, from 1st April, has moved to a position called “ Living with Covid” which has seen the removal of all testing and the classification of Covid as a respiratory disease that is managed in line with similar illnesses.
The advice for children and young people under 18 is:-
- Children with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or mild cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend school.
- Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and where possible avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough.
- If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and where possible avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test. The risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower after 3 days if they feel well and do not have a high temperature.
- Children and young people who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.