Message from Mr Ames
Dear Parents/Carers,
It has certainly been a busy week! We held the first face-to-face report evenings in a long time. Thank you to everyone who attended in person or opted for a phone consultation. If you were not able to make any of the two evenings, please contact the school and we will be happy to arrange an appointment for you to meet with your child’s class teacher.
The weather has certainly kept us on our toes: moving from bright sunshine to snow showers in the blink of an eye.
I have had discussions with a few parents regarding traffic around the school site. Please could I urge people to be considerate of other families and keep speeds as low as possible when entering and exiting the school grounds. This way we can ensure the site remains as safe as possible for all users.
Over the last week, with the kind support of staff members, we have enhanced our club offerings for the next half-term and are pleased to be able to offer a total of ten after-school clubs ranging from football to art. The office will be sending out instructions for booking shortly.
We have a shorter week next week with the scheduled PD Day on Friday and have a range of Easter activities and competitions planned for the children on the final Thursday before the Easter break.
Very best wishes,
Adam Ames